UPDATE 1.3 (March 4th)

In The End

You versus 100 waves of the dead. As you progress, each wave gets more difficult. More zombies will spawn, and be stronger than before, doing everything they can to stop YOU from reaching the final wave! Also Available! New Bots Team Deathmatch, you and an AI Team VS Another!

[h1][b]Changes/Improvements[/b][/h1] Added Bots Team Deathmatch (You and ai Team VS Another). Added New Zombie run animations, blended the attack animations better with the run animations. Added New Zombies Map!! (Called Eastern Village). New Map Has Buyable Weapons Through out the map. Fixed where zombies would stop going after the player because player was unreachable, or on top of the mystery crate. Updated The main Menu and pause menu. Removed Night mode and player flashlight (For Now). Adjusted AI Navigation to help improve on the AI movements.