Worbital Patch, 1.05.5874 - Campaign Adjustments and Fixes


With the shifting gravity on your side, aim your cannons, blast your enemies and enjoy the fireworks. Worbital is a real-time strategic artillery game in space, peppered with a heavy dose of cosmic chaos. The goal: be the last civilization standing!

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33169128/25e0827b0ca92850693d2bdee14584bd79185ec0.jpg[/img] There’s a who-o-ole lot of things in today’s patch. Some weapon balance changes, bug fixes. Most notably: we adjusted the campaign difficulty by tweaking the campaign AI and mixing up the weapon loadouts. Hopefully, this will make the experience more smooth. [h1]Worbital 1.05.5874 - February 21st, 2019[/h1] [list] [*][b]Fixes[/b] [list] [*]AI now tries to shoot down Sentry Capsules [*]AI now uses Laser Blades more accurately [*]Fixed controller navigation for the Sandbox-button [*]Fixed bug where players would have always unlocked tiers after terrene 2nd campaign mission [*]Structures now properly change to ruins when destroyed over the network [*]Structure repairing is now properly synced over the network [*]Added mouse input prompts on ship control UI [*]Tweaked some menu buttons to better fit French text [/list] [*][b]Adjustments[/b] [list] [*]Due to popular demand, various changes were made to the campaign to make it less difficult and, for some missions, less of a chore to get through, if you’re inexperienced. These changes include AI difficulty adjustments, loadout changes and buffing up the damage values on the weapons. [*]Added asteroids to most campaign missions (relatively small amounts, still, except for THAT mission) [*]Adjusted some animations and texts in Campaign [*]Attack Ship fire button changed on controller [*]Attack Ship now fires in a constant stream when the fire-button is held down [*]Dreadnought now fires automatically when holding a direction with the right stick (controller) [/list] [*][b]Balance[/b] [list] [*]Gatling now has a full charge when built [*]Attack Ships are now easier to control, and use slightly less fuel for their thrusters [*]Increased Grand Blaster structure damage [*]Increased Flamethrower soil damage [*]Increased Cryogenesis area of effect [*]Increased Minefield soil damage [*]Decreased Rocket Barrage structure damage [*]Gatling Cannon's soil damage now increases with each level [*]Decreased Nuclear Plant HP [*]Increased Gravimetric Shield charge time [*]Mist Dispersion mist no longer gets destroyed by an active Shield Defense. [*]Most Asteroids diverted by Asteroid Diversion now fly faster and deal more damage [*]The Asteroid Diversion projectile should no longer take any damage from any sources when it's attached to an asteroid or the asteroid field. [*]Broken Utopia ships now move slower when diverted by Asteroid Diversion. [*]Broken Utopia ships now shoot significantly faster when diverted by Asteroid Diversion. [*]Player soils are now slightly less durable [*]Moons are now more durable [/list] [/list]