SGS Winter War

Winter War is the story of the Soviet onslaught on tiny Finland from November 1939 to March 1940, at the beginning of WW2. Can the Finns hold beyond the reasonable and receive the long awaited Allied intervention? Or will the Russian bear crush them and force them to lose their border lands?

[h1]IMPROVEMENTS[/h1] [b]CORE[/b] [list] [*] (Main Menu) Added a News widget on the game's main menu to keep players informed of SGS series news. [*] (Structure) Some structures now have a per-move domain limitation of the total stacking value of the units they contain. [*] (Structure Info) Sea/Air stack container is now hidden if the structure is not a port/airport. [*] (Entrenchment) Moving an entrenched unit inside a structure or a transport unit now removes its entrenchment. [*] (In-Game Options) Save name input field now allows 48 characters. [*] (Right-click movement) Now all regions are greyed out except those were the selected stack can go. [*] (Map) Clearer message when a movement is prohibited by a Card or Event. [*] (Info Window - Regions) Improved layout of miniatures. Fixed a bug where the Stacking limit number displayed was always 6 when opening the window for the first time without right-click. [*] (UI) Many little UI improvements (cards, events, save/load entries, etc). [*] (Stack Containers) Added Strength Points display. [*] (Stack Containers) Added display for Stacking Value or Transport Costs, including Region/Structure/Host limits. [*] (Stack Containers) Icon for number of units if now adapted to the move domain. [*] (Info Window - Units) Added contextual information on unit list entries. [*] (Unit Tooltip) Decreased min font size for description and auto-description texts. [*] (Unit Tooltip) Transport capacity is now displayed in a more natural way (loaded / max) instead of (available / max). [*] (Localization) Greatly improved Portuguese translations (thanks to Francisco). [/list] [b]BATTLES[/b] [list] [*] (Battle) New assault system allowing to attempt an assault on besieged fortresses, i.e. a battle against their garrison + regular units inside. [*] (Battle) Added settings for inter-rounds pause duration and dice animation speed. [*] (Battle) When a port is taken by an enemy, sea units now have a chance to escape to their base port, it this one is still free and if there is no blockade on the port taken. [*] (Battle) Globally increased the probability of panics. [/list] [b]SIEGES[/b] [list] [*] (Sieges) Removed automatic VP for successful sieges (was: +1 for besieger, -1 for besieged). [*] (Sieges) For some fortresses, the chance of successful sieges now increases with the number of attempts (scenario feature, may not apply to all fortifications, only the strongest). [*] (Sieges) Overcrowded fortresses now have a greater risk of falling. [*] (Sieges) The possibility to besiege a fortress is now conditioned by the total strength points of the besieging forces instead of the number of combat units. [/list] [h1]FIXES[/h1] [list] [*] (Map) Fixed bug where the icon indicating that a structure is a VP objective became too small when zooming in. [*] (Map) Fixed bug where supply state stripes were impossible to hide. [*] (Stack Viewer) Action buttons (such as Entrench or Split) are now disabled during movements. [*] (Movement) Fixed bug where arrow indicating AI move would not disappear after the move is over. [*] (Movement) Fixed incorrect battle detection when moving land units into a region with a not-fortified structure containing units unable to fight in Land domain. [*] (Right-click movement) Ensured that it is not possible to launch a move during another one. [*] (Right-click movement) Fixed bug where some regions were incorrectly not accessible through right-click movement. [*] (Right-click movement) Fixed bug with mouse cursor when moving stacks located close to their region border(s). [*] (Localization) Fixed missing localization for entrenchment in Unit description popup. [*] (Information Window) Fixed bug in display of Resources for Regions and Structures. [*] (Video player) New video player component to fix play issues on older OSes. [*] [/list]