Minor Update (February 10th)

SGS Winter War

Winter War is the story of the Soviet onslaught on tiny Finland from November 1939 to March 1940, at the beginning of WW2. Can the Finns hold beyond the reasonable and receive the long awaited Allied intervention? Or will the Russian bear crush them and force them to lose their border lands?

[h1]Improvements[/h1] [list] [*]- (AI) Increased mobility of AI-controlled units [*]- (AI) Reduced chances that an AI-controlled stack retreats on a region whose terrain does not allow supply [*]- (Air AI) Much improved assignation of Air Stacks for Attack and Defense moves [*]- (Air combat) Adjustments for better balance [*]- (Map) Reduced Height of mini map [*]- (PBEM) Saves that are not playable by the local player are now greyed for better readability [/list] [h1]Fixes[/h1] [list] [*]- (General) Fixed game hanging on certain aerial rebase events [*]- (Summary phase) Fixed bug where regions won would keep green stripes on subsequent phases [*]- (Cards) Fixed bug where some cards were not playable while they should be [*]- (Cards) Fixed bug where all units were inflicted damages instead of only the units located in selected region(s) [*]- (Cards) Fixed game freeze due to cards being simultaneously deactivated and drawn [*]- (Cards) Fixed bug in card play conditions that resulted in some cards never being playable [*]- (Movement) Fixed issue where regions were incorrectly inaccessible through automated movement (right-click on stack) [*]- (Air combat) Fixed bug where air combat modifiers were not removed from units after battles [*]- (Retreat) Fixed bug that could cause retreating units to be destroyed although they had valid retreat destinations [*]- (PBEM) Fixed a bug that prevented the "Send save" button to be displayed at the end of the turn, the game would continue as if normal and not PBEM [*]- (Localization) Added missing localization in unit tooltips [*]- (Mouse cursors) Fixed mouse cursors that appeared scrambled on some systems [/list]