Winter Patch

Scythe: Digital Edition

Scythe transports you to an alternate reality in 1920s Europa, one ravaged by the First World War. Take up the role of leader by assuming command of one of 5 factions, and set out to conquer the coveted "Factory". Lead your mechs to war and your people to victory!

[b]Hello from The Factory![/b] Mechs cleared of snow, wood for heating collected. Here is the patchnote: Known issues: [list] [*] Logging in 2 the same accounts on 2 devices - If a player logs into the same account X on two devices, they will not be logged out of the device they had logged on in the first place. Instead, if they exit the main Play Online lobby on either device, they will be kicked out of their account on both devices. [*] Full scale invasion achievement - Achievement is not always awarded despite meeting the conditions. [/list] Bugfix: [list] [*] Fix for local stats. [*] Action log - show move action fix. [*] Fix for new account login problems. [*] New analytics for account transfer. [/list] Many thanks for all your feedback and see you in The Factory!