Why would you play Emily Wants to Play in VR?

Emily Wants To Play

It’s 11pm and the last house on your route. The windows are boarded up, the yard is overgrown, but the lights are on and the front door is open… strange place to deliver a pizza. You’re getting soaked from the rain, so you hesitantly step inside the house. You shouldn’t have done that.

[img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/11090180/9c1839d8db07e7cd233e69615106fdc158fcc74c.jpg[/img] Emily Wants to Play is now playable and the ending is achievable in virtual reality. You can use the Oculus Rift or HTC Vive to play the game up close and personal with Emily and her friends. I have no idea why you would want to play the game in VR! But people have asked for it and some have already managed to get into VR before now. I adjusted a few things to get it working much better in VR. Remember that this game is already intense and in your face, and VR just intensifies it even more. I would suggest playing the game first without VR and getting used to it before entering the world in virtual reality. Because in virtual reality it feels like the dolls are really right next to you and it is scary when they jump in your face. This update does not effect anyone without VR and it is only for Windows users. I have heard that HTC Vive works on Mac but I haven't tested it. [h1]Update notes and tips for VR users.[/h1] -Added support for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive -Adjusted menus to display in VR in a more readable way -Menus only show up in the left eye in VR -Adjusted on screen subtitles and Emily's timer to appear in VR -Added special keys and buttons for VR only use -Detect if using VR and override original graphics settings (high settings don't work well in VR) -Mr Tatters will not get you if you move your head in VR or your mouse -and a whole bunch of other things that you won't notice :) [h1]Special Keys and buttons for VR users:[/h1] Keyboard: V - Toggle VR off and on C - Calibrates the view to your real world position. Sit or stand in your preferred position and press C. Mouse: Middle mouse button calibrates the camera. Controller: LB/L1 - Flashlight RB/R1 - Interact with objects Left Stick - Move forward backward etc... Push in Left Stick - Sprint Right Stick - Look left and right Push in Right Stick - Calibrate the view View/Share button - Toggle VR mode Special keys for advanced users: / - Toggle FPS meter to help with tuning quality (60+ FPS recommended) 6- Set video to really low quality, some lighting will not work 7- Set video to Low quality (faster frames less quality but playable) 8- Set video to Medium Quality (default) 9- Set video to High Quality (slower frames better quality) Oculus Rift Only Keys: 1 - Output Stereo preview with vignette 2 - Output Stereo preview no vignette 3 - Output Left Eye only (it is stretched for some reason) HTC Vive users, pressing 1-3 will black out your preview screen.