Where the Water Tastes Like Wine: Gold Mountain update

It is always a hope for a creator that their work can be appreciated widely, across the divide of different countries and languages. 我们认为,艺术和文化理应跨越语言的藩篱,为世界范围内传播和赏鉴。 When we released this game, we are were pleased to see the passionate, excited fans who love the game, and to share American folklore and history with the world. 发布这款游戏,我们即为见证了粉丝们的热情而感到满足,也为世界各地的人们能有机会了解到美国文史而感到荣幸。 Some fans go above and beyond, and create their own art, or writing, or other work of their own to pay homage to the game. 不仅如此,一些粉丝更通过艺术创作、写作或其它作品方式来向游戏致敬。 Some of them speak multiple languages, and decide to translate the game into their own language. This is no small undertaking - Where the Water Tastes Like Wine has almost a million words, and the writing in the game is based very strongly on American culture and history. It is also beautiful and poetic, something often difficult to capture in translation. 他们中的一些人同时懂得英文和中文,并决定将游戏翻译成自己的母语:中文。这不是一件轻松的工作,《彼处水如酒》原始英文版大约包含近百万单词,绝大多数文字都是包含了美国文史背景的文学性描述。 A wonderful Chinese localization team, led by Ryan Zhang, has spent four months to translate the entire game, plus the lyrics to the soundtrack, for players in China. We are humbled and gratified by this, and we hope that Chinese players can play and enjoy our game, and understand our criticism of and reflection on America history and American culture. Ryan带领的优秀中文本地化团队,历时四个月,为广大中国玩家把整个游戏翻译成了中文!不仅如此,他们还为游戏原声音乐重填了中文歌词!我们对此深感谦卑和欣慰,希望广大中国玩家既能玩得开心,也能了解到我们对美国历史、美国文化的批判和反思。 We know that China has its own wonderful and varied folklore in its thousands of years of history, and we hope that players there find our relatively small and brief American history and folklore to be interesting to them. 我们深知,中国在数千年的历史中,积淀了丰富多彩的民间传说。我们希望,中国玩家能对我们相对简短狭隘的美国历史和民间传说产生些许兴趣。 In addition, to honor the millions of Chinese-Americans generally overlooked in American history, we are also writing new stories for the game that focus more on the role of Chinese-Americans in the US. From miners in California to the railroad workers who bridged the continent to a whole host of other folks, Chinese immigrants have played a huge role in building this country. We're happy to be able to write more exploring their stories. 此外,为了表达我们对沉睡在美国历史中的万千普通华裔的敬意,我们正在为游戏撰写一批新的故事,着力关注华裔角色。从加州的矿工,到联结大路桥的铁路工人,中国移民为建设这个国家发挥过巨大的作用。我们很高兴能多多撰写探索他们的故事。 Today I am happy to release the free Chinese version of Fireside Chats, and to announce that we will release the full Chinese version of the game once we have finished the new content. 今天,我很高兴能首先发布免费中文版的《彼处水如酒:炉边夜话》,并宣布我们一旦完成新追加内容,就发布中文完整版游戏。 Thank you all for playing! 感谢您的赏玩!