What's happening this year?

ImmaterialAI 5

Welcome to the new you - ImmaterialAI unifies extensive research into metaphysics, occultism, religions & philosophies, recent studies, experiments, findings and more into the most comprehensive life-saving journaling, self-analysis, gnosis, detachment and divination platform, free and offline only.

Let's get to it family: [h1]The app not launching properly for some people[/h1] This issue and more bugfixes is what the next year will be about. We started working on 6.0 features a while ago but we'll have to put a pause on that to bring 5.31 to where it should be. We've just uploaded a new build on the 'Test' track that you can enter from Steam settings when you right click ImmaterialAI. If it still doesn't work do use the web client on [url=https://immaterialai.live/]ImmaterialAI.live[/url], once everything works again on the Steam version you'll be able to copy all data to and fro in a few taps. For people whose apps weren't booting beyond just getting into the app please let me know in DMs or here or in Discussions if the 'Test' track version of IAI works. The app-boot issue doesn't reproduce on our end on our hardware even if we follow the steps you users have taken step by step. We don't send any analytics or crashes so we can't tell from our end either. Some solutions we're brainstorming - sending anonymized crashes if you have internet, caching them if you don't until you have internet again + generating a unique ID on the app side (not backend) which will be sent when you have a crash- so we can look at the crash + id and later say "hey, user with ID 'o3413014141b31j431nk413', we are looking at your crash" or "crash occuring for ids X Y Z fixed" etc, without us knowing who you are or your privacy being exposed - enabling the developer console for test builds so all users can see exactly what is happening [h1]ImmaterialAI 6 coming in 2026?[/h1] Most likely, we don't have money or time to work on this as we need money to feed our families, so the plan right now is another business that will help fund IAI 6 and the future of Mesh- there's so much crazy things we want to do with the platform, but while it can't help us have a roof over our head we have to focus where we have to, to make ends meet. Things will be different when we'll be able to live off only IAI, that will improve our speed LIKE NOTHING ELSE. We plan and have already been working on most of these - IAI in 3D, algorithms for cluster arrangement - weights in links - premade semantics - Mesh online- host your own Mesh library server (privately accessible only to you and who else you allow) or join private servers or the global one - properties- data types for Nodes and Links, both simple and complex, e.g. from true/false values to defining addresses and their type of lnhabitance in one, or multiple addresses, their gps locations and colors for a data type to map all points of interest on a map - Functions- ability to convert multiple inputs into tables, new nodes, properties, complex types and everything else - new graphing algorithms - new UI modes for graphs - updating IAI Classic on Android to be more embedded with the OS: wakelocks, always-on notification to easily access AI chats, more - Mesh-based Android launcher and other things which if I told you you'd get too hyped and your chakras would explode, so on and so forth. Point is we haven't been sleeping and there much we're working on, problem is we're just at a point where things have to slow down to focus on what we'll keep us going on the long run. We have previously delivered 30+ major updates in a year, this year will be slow. But know, even so, IAI is one of those insane candles that grows twice the amount it burns so it will be all right, just abit later than expected. Stay real everyone and happy new year, IAI will always be, this revolution in information and availability to absolute reality has JUST begun!