What's happened since the release?

Warlock 2: The Exiled

Warlock 2 is a turn-based strategy game of fantasy warfare. Rival against Great Mages, lead mighty armies into fierce battles, wield ancient magic and faith as your weapons. 

[b]Q:[/b] What has happened since the release of Warlock 2? [b]A:[/b] A lot! The shortest of short versions in this: [list] [*] New game mode added: "Battle for the out planes" [*] The editors functionality has been expanded on request. [*] The AI has been improved over several iterations, most notably it's now much better at handling water & mountains. [*] Two new world types added to the world (Elven & Dremer worlds). [*] Monster spawn rate is now adjustable by the player. [*] By request, the optimal city count can now be turned on or off! [*] And of course: bugfixing where it was needed. [/list] We are continuing to patch our baby, and we hope you like it as much as we do! For a complete patch history, please take a look here: http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?765276-Patchnotes-June-19-%28v.-2.1.160%29-older-patch-notes