Warlock 2: The Exiled now available for Pre-order!

Warlock 2: The Exiled

Warlock 2 is a turn-based strategy game of fantasy warfare. Rival against Great Mages, lead mighty armies into fierce battles, wield ancient magic and faith as your weapons. 

Hello! You are now able to pre-order Warlock 2: The Exiled and gain instant access to the game! Please note that the editor is not included yet. It is planned to go into the live release on April 10th. I will also inform you right now: [b]The game does [u]NOT[/u] support Windows XP.[/b] We know a lot of people request support for it, but that OS is now really old and is not supported. Sorry to all you guys who still run that. Happy spell-casting and may you feel great (h)extacy playing this game!