What's cooking in Hell? #1

To Hell with Hell

In To Hell with Hell Natasias personal apocalypse has arrived as she finds herself in hell in a battle against an army of darkness. In a classic Bullet Hell rogue-like crawler she’ll survive deadly traps and fight dozens and dozens of mad demonic enemies.

Hello there, children of Asmodius! It is time for a small update to keep you posted about what's cooking in hell. While we have been a bit silent recently, we have not stopped working on [b]To Hell with Hell[/b]. And today we'd like to give you a first insight on what we've been working so hard. [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33067212/f2b3f6336fc930cd74e8c14e8bf1089a062e0d67.png[/img] We started on implementing a Hub-System which will be integrated into the game hopefully next month (we were actually a bit faster than originally expected). We won't reveal too much about what we have planned gameplaywise just yet. But as you can see, it will change the forumla a bit and we hope that you are just excited as we are right now. In the coming days we'll post more details, so stay tuned and slay some demons ;)