Welcome to the Alpha and Iota playtest!

Alpha and Iota Playtest

Welcome, and thank you for playtesting! After working on Alpha and Iota in my spare time for years, I am so excited to finally start sharing it with others. Here are a few things to get you started: [list] [*] The best place to report on your playtesting experience (and engage with the community) is the official Alpha and Iota discord channel, which you can join with the following link: [url=https://discord.gg/XeMgCNHPjZ]https://discord.gg/XeMgCNHPjZ[/url] If you would prefer not to use discord, you are also welcome to create discussion posts here on the Steam community page. [*] Alpha and Iota is still very much a work in progress. In addition to bug reports, I welcome suggestions for changes and new features. Candid, specific feedback on what you enjoyed and what you didn't is greatly appreciated. [*] If you get stuck on a challenging puzzle, please feel free to use the in-game assist features! You are also more than welcome to ask for help on discord. I (or perhaps another playtester) would be happy to assist you. [*] If you enjoy the game, please do share it with friends! As a first time solo developer without much of a marketing budget, I'm going to be relying in large part on word-of-mouth to reach new players. [/list]