Update Notes for 6/10/24

Alpha and Iota Playtest

Updates and Changes: [list] [*]Fixed issue where wallclimb sound would continue to play when no longer wall climbing [*]Fixed issue where wallclimber hosts would maintain vertical velocity after hitting a stationary unmovable solid [*]Time trials now display and track times down to 1/60 of a second. [*]Fixed issue where security cores reactivate while resetting [*]Fixed issue where the "restart level" feature would not work if activated during a reset [*]Fixed issue where off-screen following objects (e.g. keys, boosts, data fragments) were deactivated, causing crashes [*]Fixed issue where the scaled hosts in Gamma's subsystem would sometimes fail to collide correctly with other hosts [*]File percentages now take into account how many data fragments have been collected. [*]Starting a time trial now turns off assist features, and locks them until the time trial is concluded. [*]Menu now contains a "Statistics" tab with total number of security incidents (deaths), ejections, and file time. [*]Time trial unlocks now look like scaled down versions of the time trial sigils. [*]Added "targets"challenges to each subsystem [*]Added dialogue when you complete a time trial or target challenge, letting you know if you beat your previous record [*]When in mouse+keyboard mode, the mouse cursor no longer appears when the menu is open. You can navigate menus using the arrow keys or wasd (or whatever else you rebind the up, down, left, and right keys to). [*]Added anti-aliasing setting to video menu [*]Added ambient particle setting to video menu [*]The game window can now be resized when in windowed mode. [*]Audio and video options are now shared between all save files, and loaded at the start of the game [/list]