A major SFXEngine update is live today, v2.00. Changes include:
-New sample structure with double pointers, permitting samples beyond 90 seconds and up to several hours (as memory permits).
-New double modulator pointers for increased accuracy.
-New global sample rate option to change the core program frequency. Projects remain compatible between sample rates and will automatically resample and remap (correct delays, correct playback pitch, etc.), but all filters will need manual adjustment.
-New V01 file format for projects and programs. V00 format files will import seamlessly.
-Load project, include project, load program revised and updated to permit ease of format imporation and save memory when using temporary structures.
-New global transpose and global tuning.
-New Revision number per project, incremented upon each save.
And lots more. Full details in the Readme and on the main Cornutopuia Software page here.