Hauma is a deduction visual novel set in Munich. Discover a conspiracy amongst the upper echelons of society alongside former detective Judith, while visiting real locations in a comic-inspired look.
Hey everyone,
Firstly, we at Senam Games hope you are all safe, well, and keeping optimistic that we are one step closer to normality. We hope you all continue to take care of yourselves and each other during these trying times.
We finally got around to typing up our first Steam update and to get things started, I wanted to share an insight into the development process of our upcoming title, Hauma. This is our first working title as a studio and we have a brand new team that spans from Germany to England, so far it’s been a wild ride with exponential results. We are very happy with the progress we have made thus far.
[h1][b]Hauma Demo[/b][/h1]
How’s about we kick things off by announcing that we have been working hard on putting together a demo that will showcase Hauma’s mysterious narrative. We aim to immerse you in a tale of deception, conspiracy, and puzzling secrets to uncover drowned in historic environments. We have distributed our demo to select outlets that have shared their thoughts on what they have played and we’re thrilled to confirm that the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.
We have an internal roadmap on when we intend to make our demo available to our supportive community, we intend to share our plans on when you can get your hands on Hauma in the coming weeks.
[h1][b]Steam Game Festival[/b][/h1]
Another exciting announcement is that we can confirm we’ll be appearing at the Steam Game Festival this Summer. We are already putting plans together to bring you a Livestream that shall include a Q&A with the dev team, allowing you to dive deep into the lore, narrative, and historic relevance from the world of Hauma.
The June event will mark our first appearance as a studio and it shall also be a landmark for the development of the game, so we intend to make it special. Make sure you sign up for our newsletter where we shall be providing regular updates on our upcoming plans and appearances.
Senam Games hosts a team of astonishingly talented individuals who are very passionate about our direction, although we are learning more about delivering a title that we hope you enjoy, we are excited about the future of Hauma and the level of adoration that has gone into this project so far.
if you haven't already, please support us by adding Hauma to your Steam Wishlist (you can use the handy widget below), that way we can keep you updated on our progress, and any news on our full release coming later this year. Your support means the world to us.
Stay safe,
Simon and the Senam Games team