Hauma is a deduction visual novel set in Munich. Discover a conspiracy amongst the upper echelons of society alongside former detective Judith, while visiting real locations in a comic-inspired look.
And the"Best Prototype" Indie Game Fest award 2022 goes to Hauma!
Hey everyone, it has been some exciting days for us at Hauma. We've been to 3 countries in 2 weeks.
Our journey started in Utrecht in June for the Indigo Showcase and went on to Cologne to the Indie Game Fest where we won the award for the "Best Prototype 2022". After that we travelled to Salzburg to the Level Up gaming festival.
Watch the shortened version of the award stream on our: [url=https://www.tiktok.com/@haumagame/video/7114254570087271686?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1]Tiktok[/url]
We had the chance to showcase our Visual Novel and watch interested gamers play our game. While doing so we have received some really nice and valuable feedback that will help us in the further development process. Players loved our artstyle and atmosphere combined with the voice acting and were hooked with the story.
It was also an honor to be featured on FM4 during the Level Up Salzburg [url=https://fm4.orf.at/stories/3025833/]FM4 [/url]
We are currently working on chapter 2 and I would like to introduce you already to our Mindboard which you will be able to use in Hauma Chapter 1 to 4.
This is a never before tried inventory system which contains items and thoughts. All thoughts and items can be combined by dragging and dropping within the mindboard.
If you are interested in more updates, feel invited to join our [url=https://discord.gg/7hjWZjrG]Discord[/url] and subscribe to our [url=https://www.senam-games.com/newsletter/]Newsletter[/url]
SenAm Games