The Blackout Club is a first-person co-op horror game centered around a group of teenage friends investigating a monstrous secret beneath the skin of their small town. 1-4 players explore procedurally-generated missions against a fearsome enemy you can only see with your eyes closed.
This marks the end of the Early Access period and the transition to full launch! Thanks to all the players who joined us on the journey to get here and who helped us grow and improve the game over the past 8 months!
[b][u][h1]OLD GROWTH[/h1][/u][/b]
The biggest addition with the release of 1.0 is the 3rd large above ground region, "[b]Old Growth[/b]".[b] Old Growth[/b] is home to a [i]perfectly normal[/i] daycare facility used by many families in Redacre. It is recommended you don't poke around in the basement though, employees only.
It also includes some woods and other outdoor spaces, including a playground. The size of Old Growth is close to the size of the two existing above ground areas combined and it brings with it new connections to the maze.
[h1][u][b]FIXES AND POLISH[/b][/u][/h1]
In addition, the release into 1.0 brings a bunch of fixes and further polish to the game. Some areas that received particular attention are issues with collision that could make trees a pain to navigate around, problems with AI pathfinding, fixes to numerous level art issues, and lots more. For a full list, look [url=]here[/url].
[b][u][h1]RUSSIAN SUBTITLES[/h1][/u][/b]
Do to popular demand the 1.0 build has added Russian subtitles and interface!
As we have said since entering early access, with full launch comes a price increase. The game has far more to offer than it did when we first released in October, and the price has increased to reflect that.
Thanks again to everyone who has joined the club, we look forward to welcoming many more! Have fun uncovering the many mysteries that lie above and below Redacre's streets, and don't forget to [b][i]close your eyes[/i][/b].