Weekly Update: Player Ships in Key of the Exiles


NEStalgia is an original MORPG inspired by the glory days of traditional console RPGs. Essentially "Dragon Warrior 3 meets World of Warcraft", NEStalgia is an amalgam of the best generations of RPG gaming. You can play solo, in private games with friends, or online with hundreds of other players!

In this week’s update I’ll be providing a brief outline of what player owned ships are like and how they work. What follows is meant as a primer for this topic, as I’m sure that you’ll be hearing much more about player owned ships in future previews. I’m going to avoid significant story and gameplay spoilers here, but if you are completely adverse to any type of spoilers for the expansion then this post probably isn't for you... Read [url=http://silkgames.com/blog/2015/06/player-ships-in-key-of-the-exiles/]the full post on the Silk Games blog...[/url]