We Want Seik-YOU To Take Part in Our Playtest!

Tales of Seikyu

Settle into your magical new life in a world of Yokai! Harness your powers of transformation to manage your farm and explore the world, grow bonds with extraordinary islanders, and uncover the secrets of the Seikyu. Adventure, magic and romance await in this enchanting farming life-sim!

The weather is getting cooler, the leaves are changing colour, and we’re very excited for all the coziness that autumn brings. And what could be cozier than snuggling up under a blanket and exploring the enchanting countryside of Seikyu? That’s right, we’re giving YOU the opportunity to take part in an upcoming Tales of Seikyu playtest! Those of you who watched the Convergence Showcase will have spotted our playtest announcement alongside our shiny new trailer, which we’ll share here for anybody who might have missed it 😘 [previewyoutube=OZ9xsyNUnn8;full][/previewyoutube] [h2]Sign up for Seikyu NOW![/h2] The Tales of Seikyu playtest will run from October 24th to November 4th, and we’ll be selecting 1,000 people to take part. Sign ups are open right now, so make sure you [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/2340520/Tales_of_Seikyu/]visit our Steam store page[/url] to put your name down for the chance to spend 10 glorious days under the Seikyuian sun! [h2]What to Expect[/h2] You’ll be able to take your first steps on your very own Seikyu adventure. Retreat to the countryside and manage a farm in a world of Yokai while exploring your own shape-shifting powers and building relationships with the townsfolk. Friendship, romance, and adventure await. [h3]New Yokai Forms[/h3] We’ve given players a look at the boar yokai, and now it’s time to unlock the power of the Slime and Crow Tengu forms. [h3]Love Is In the Air[/h3] We’ve made a whole host of heart events available with every single character in Seikyu, but true romantics will have a shot at reaching a full 10 hearts with Hephaestus, Liliana, and Anji during this playtest. Think you’ve got what it takes to win your love interest’s heart and maybe even seal it with a kiss? 😳 [h3]Boss Battle[/h3] You’ll encounter lots of different folk as you explore the world of Seikyu and delve deeper into the story of this mysterious land, but be warned…not all of them will be thrilled about your arrival. If you’re feeling brave, you’ll have the opportunity to take part in Seikyu’s first-ever boss battle. [h2]Have Your Say[/h2] Playtests are the opportunity for you to have your say and put your stamp on the game. We’re asking who takes part in the playtest to provide feedback via our dedicated feedback form, which will be provided to successful applicants via email. Your thoughts, feedback, and opinions will help us shape the future of the game! That’s all from us! We can’t wait to see your sign ups and to invite 1,000 of you into the world of Seikyu come October 24th. In the meantime, have an adorable GIF of Kon 🥰 [img]https://i.imgur.com/lrI0sMY.gif[/img]