Unleash Your Creativity in Our Discord Emoji/Fanart Contest!

Tales of Seikyu

Embark on Seikyu, a fantasy farming adventure amidst yokai legends. Can you restore a countryside inn to its former glory, forge connections with extraordinary characters, and uncover the hidden wonders of this magical world?

Hello Seikyuans! We would like to invite all artists to our [b]Discord Emoji/Fanart Contest![/b] ❤️ [h3]Discord Emoji/Fanart Contest[/h3] We love seeing fans create Art in their own style! So, we'd like to encourage everyone who's inspired by Tales of Seikyu to participate in our contest! ❤️ There will be three categories: one for fanart, one for memes, and one for Emojis. Let your creativity flow (fanfictions, cosplay, a cake with the face of one of the characters on it, a plushie, or anything really)! [h3]Platforms[/h3] You can submit your entry through ONE of the following: Twitter or TikTok and tag us [url=https://twitter.com/TalesOfSeikyu]@talesofseikyu[/url] and use the hashtag [b]#TalesofSeikyuContest[/b] For those who don't have access to the above options, you can share your Art in our Discord server in the [url=https://discord.com/channels/1069867382773911592/1197632000643825694]https://discord.com/channels/1069867382773911592/1197632000643825694[/url] channel, and for memes you can share it in [url=https://discord.com/channels/1069867382773911592/1069905172802842644]https://discord.com/channels/1069867382773911592/1069905172802842644[/url] [h3]Rules[/h3] [list] [*] Plagiarism/theft is NOT permitted. [*] ONE entry per person only. [*] No NSFW content permitted. [*] No AI content permitted. [*] (Automatic disqualification of entry not following these rules) [/list] Three winners will be selected once the contest comes to an end and will be offered: [list] [*] 1st place: [b]Yokai Enigma Bundle[/b] [*] 2nd place: [b]Alpha Access[/b] [*] 3rd place: [b]Game Maven[/b] [/list] You'll have from today till [b]February 20th[/b] to participate! Our team will announce the winners on [b]February 24th, 2024.[/b] Good luck everyone! We can’t wait to see all your beautiful and funny creations ❤️ [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43869275/2c37ed3d12272745e8948a8868ec4799686aa610.png[/img]