We've come with important news!

The Crown of Leaves

Roui, a resilient city dandy, a half-educated jeweler and the author of scientific magic articles, was met with a colossal failure and must return to his homeland Latori.

Hi guys! We've come with important news. A lot has happened over the past few months with our team, friends and loved ones because of the tragic events that you have all heard about. It affects everybody and everything, it's a life change nobody ever wanted to happen, but here we are. We also received COVID-19 as a small bonus, but have nearly recovered and are feeling good. Despite this context, we do not intend to give up the development of the Crown of Leaves. It won't be easy to keep working on it since the local game development industry facing a lot of troubles, but with your support and some good vibes you're sending us, we'll definitely find a way to tell Roui's story without leaving it half-spoken. At the moment, we are almost done with the [i]third act[/i] (it's a huge update for Chapter 2, and the story of it will get super intense, you'll love it!), however, we still have some work to do on the cutscenes and the puzzle + a few smaller tasks. We cannot speak of exact release dates, given what is going on irl. For now, we're just working and monitoring the situation. We remind you that the third act will be released as a free update to the second chapter, you won't have to buy anything to play it! The Chapter 3 will be a paid DLC, the price will be the same as for the Chapter 2. If you want to support the team, as well as to get access to the exclusive game materials, news, art, sprites, animations and music, you can also [url=https://www.patreon.com/lingrimm]support us on Pаtreоn[/url]. 💫 Pls stay healthy and safe. Love you all, tCoL team [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/29239342/0f2eb9cbe171e8a1b1fb6ac46712623eef980b31.jpg[/img]