We have a release date and a brand new trailer!

Ignited Steel: Mech Tactics

Ignited Steel is a mech roguelike turn-based-tactics game. Manage a team of overheating old-tech mechs, more heat means more vulnerability and damage! Unravel the galaxy’s story as you travel from node to node, improving your mechs, acquiring new pilots, and defeat the sentient A.I. overlord!

If you like Mechas, tactics, turn-based and roguelikes, well, its your lucky day because Ignited Steel will come to Steam on March 9th! Take a look at the trailer and tell us what you think! Are you excited for Ignited Steel? We cant wait for you to see all we have prepared for you! [previewyoutube=DkKgt1iLejs;full][/previewyoutube] We are also planning to release a free demo a few weeks before the official launch so stay tuned! What do you think about the trailer? Do you like it? We will bring you more info about the Ignited Steel development in the following weeks! See you soon!