Ignited Steel FREE DEMO and showcase!

Ignited Steel: Mech Tactics

Ignited Steel is a mech roguelike turn-based-tactics game. Manage a team of overheating old-tech mechs, more heat means more vulnerability and damage! Unravel the galaxy’s story as you travel from node to node, improving your mechs, acquiring new pilots, and defeat the sentient A.I. overlord!

With the start of [b]Steam Next Fest[/b], we are releasing a free demo so everybody can check what we’ve been working on these last 2 years! Free demo teaser: [previewyoutube=fN5yz9R3BoE;full][/previewyoutube] You can also watch some of the developers play the game live as part of the Next Fest event (on Tuesday and Friday both at 18:00h CEST) and tell them your thoughts about this project! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40857541/ad58f60e3237b6d346d2f8a0247a983b56eb2f9a.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40857541/b592efa68e9ed8905d0682a7c192b4f9a9578b79.jpg[/img] Do not forget to [b]wishlist[/b] the game so you don’t miss the demo launching! This [b]demo[/b] will last for almost an hour, you will be able to play in four different levels with your three big mechanic friends! If you are into roguelikes and tactical games, we truly recommend you to check Ignited Steel out, you won’t regret it! See you at Steam Next Fest! Dont miss it, come say hi!