Watch Inertial Drift's "UK Game of the Show" Entry Here

Inertial Drift

An arcade racer that tears up the rule book with innovative twin-stick controls, completely re-imagined driving mechanics and a huge roster of fiercely individual cars and tracks.

[i]At the end of August, we were thrilled to see Inertial Drift nominated for the [b]UK Game of the Show Award [/b]at Gamescom! While Inertial Drift wasn't crowned the overall winner, it was an honour to be showcased amongst some of the best new games in the UK via live Twitch stream. You can find out more about the event on the [url=][i][b]UKIE Website[/b][/i][/url] If you missed the Stream, you can also watch our showcase video below - where we explain how and why Inertial Drift is an arcade racing experience like no other! [previewyoutube=3JbNlJtDQdY;full][/previewyoutube] [b]To experience Inertial Drift for yourself, be sure to check out [u]Inertial Drift: Sunset Prologue[/u], which you can play for free right here on Steam: [/b] [url=][/url] Stay tuned for more updates before Inertial Drift releases on 11 September! - PQube & Level 91 Entertainment[/i]