WARNING Development On Hold!

Shot In The Dark

Shot in the Dark is a multiplayer arena FPS that takes place in a dystopian future where multiple factions have sent their agents to kill for sensitive government information. You take control of one of these agents in an attempt to survive this low-light arena skirmish... in the dark.

The Development for Shot In The Dark is on hold for a short period of time. This is because we can not afford the costs of living while at the same time transforming this game into the original vision we had for it. In order to remedy this situation we did the only thing we know how to do. We made another game! I bet you're asking... are you disabled? If you could afford to make that one why not continue this one? Well, our other game, Suits, is not nearly as intensive to create and distribute as Shot In The Dark. The sales that the "Suits franchise" accumulates will fund the research and development required to make Shot In The Dark one kick-ass piece of software. So be patient and Do Not Worry. We have no intention to pull a "Dean Rocket" and "DayZ" this game... we just need food and shelter and time for studying the Unreal Engine and the code it uses. This can be bought with the profits returned from Suits: A Business RPG. So hold on to your pants, the journey is only just beginning!ːsteamsaltyː