Shot In The Dark Update V 1.0

Shot In The Dark

Shot in the Dark is a multiplayer arena FPS that takes place in a dystopian future where multiple factions have sent their agents to kill for sensitive government information. You take control of one of these agents in an attempt to survive this low-light arena skirmish... in the dark.

Shot In The Dark will soon be updated to a finished stable version. This does not mean that we will stop working on it, it means that now we can focus on adding more content for free. With this update we are finally getting out of Early Access and making Shot In The Dark free to play because we don't want anyone paying for it. It may take a while before it becomes free so bare with us. We originally were selling Shot In The Dark for $9.99 in order to keep our version of the Unreal Engine updated, but since they(Epic Games) made it free we only had to worry about royalty fees. For those who payed for Shot In The Dark we really want to thank you for supporting us. Shot In The Dark has been a learning experience for me and the team. We learned that early access is a terrible way to test and sell our product. Shot In The Dark being in Early Access has made us put it to the side and work on smaller projects. However with our next game close to completion, Suits: A Business RPG, I was the only one in the team who could fix and finish Shot In The Dark. Proto and I tested every new build finding many bugs and fixing most of them. We listened to your feedback and appreciate your criticism. We aren't going to defend our mistakes, like some devs do, instead we embrace it because the only way to progress as developers is to admit to our mistakes and fix them. I didn't add in any new maps because making this game stable was on our top priority, but don't worry we will be adding more maps soon. We wanted to add a level editor, however I believe we would need to contact Epic Games for permission to redistribute their engine similar to how ARK did theirs. I just wanted to say to everyone that has supported us, You smart, you loyal, I appreciate that. We goofed up, but we never gave up. Anyway on to the patch notes. :markjudy: Update V 1.0 12/10/15 -Added HUD for Charge meter and Grenade count. -Added Visibility HUD.(Tells you when you are in light.) -Added Decoy Grenades to replace particle grenades(Press Q to use them). -Added Achievements(Will continue to add more with new maps.) -Added music to play at the last minute of a match. -Laser now changes with the number of kills you have. -Added Voting Lobby(Stand in the map you wish to vote for.) -Made levels brighter(Enough to see where you are going.) -Updated to the lasted version of the Unreal Engine. -Change Button Styles(Some buttons haven't change because I forgot) -Made a better controls screen. -Options menu saves settings. -Changed Glass material so that it shows up on lower end machines. -Removed Singleplayer mode(It's useless) -Losing connection won't break the game. Known Issues -Leaving a server may break server list.(I'm still looking into it.) -Music plays two different tracks at once. -Some achievement may not work properly(Newer ones) If you encounter any new issues please post it on the Discussion Board. It helps a lot ;) I want to thank everyone again for your criticism and support. We hope you enjoy this new version of Shot In The Dark. Papa Bless, -MAL_Ware :markjudy: