Napoleon's Eagles: Game of the Napoleonic Wars

Napoleon's Eagles is the classic board game War & Peace for computer. Be Napoleon – or stand against him – in a series of short scenarios that cover the epic battles of the age, or in a multiplayer-only grand campaign that may – or may not – end on the field of Waterloo.

The this [b]major update[/b] will have at least the following scope: [list] [*] AI for Waterloo scenario [*] Land movement replay feature so that you may see what has done AI or your opponent on his last movement phase. [*] Performance supply, movement [*] Possibility to surrender a 2P-game directly from the saved game tile which allows to delete the game afterwards. [*] Possibility to review battle result at the force’s level. [/list] Also included with direct Steam access the updated PDF guide` - Calibri font - Searchable text - Added more tables - Miscellaneous fixes