Napoleon's Eagles: Game of the Napoleonic Wars

Napoleon's Eagles is the classic board game War & Peace for computer. Be Napoleon – or stand against him – in a series of short scenarios that cover the epic battles of the age, or in a multiplayer-only grand campaign that may – or may not – end on the field of Waterloo.

[h2]THE EMPEROR IS THERE...[/h2] After over a year in the works, the game is releasing today. We hope that players will appreciate this product, where we ported faithfully the rules and concept of the great original wargame [i]"War and Peace"[/i] by [b]Mark McLaughlin[/b]. The game has a lot of content, many scenarios, with many of them playable in every mode (solo, vs.AI or Multiplayer) while the others and the grand campaign are playable in multiplayer only. Check the product page for more details. A launch is only the end of a process but not the final step in a development. As those of you who already own the famous [i]Carrier Battles[/i] game, you know that the team is dedicated to the product and, with your support and our commitment, this game will continue to evolve positively. We are confident that you will love the game. And as the talented designer of the original boardgame version said: [i][h3] " If Napoleon were alive today, he would make the lead programmer a Marshal of France!"[/h3][/i] [b]Mark McLaughlin, October 2022.[/b]