Want to learn more about HorrorVale and its current Development?


HorrorVale: A spooky, quirky RPG adventure. NOTE: This game is still in active development. The currently available build is just Act 1.

Hello, citizens of our steam page. We wanted to make a post to clarify where you can stay up to date on news regarding the game, as we don't update our steam page very often with this information. First of all, we post pretty much everything regularly on our [url=https://twitter.com/HorrorVale]twitter[/url]. I definitely recommend giving it a follow as we post progress reports from Patreon there, little teasers, news, and also RT fanart! We also of course have a [url=patreon.com/horrorvale]Patreon[/url]. If you feel like wanting to chip in to help development, you gain access to some pretty nifty rewards including full access to the monthly Progress Reports we post every month. As these contain some post Act 1 spoilers, we lock these for Patrons only. If you prefer to stay away from spoilers but still want to see things like Trailers and Music, we also have a [url=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM99bheJmiMFyU4gYrwj8qA]Youtube Channel[/url] where we frequently upload tracks from the OST, some of which aren't even in Act 1! And that's not all. If you want to go REALLY deep down the HorrorVale rabbit hole and want to learn all the lore and characters, our wonderful fans have set up a [url=https://horrorvale.fandom.com/wiki/HorrorVale_Wiki]HorrorVale Wiki[/url]. Pretty nifty! Finally, one last thing. We also have an [url=https://discord.gg/3GDQJ9D]Official Discord[/url] where you can chat with other fans as well as the Developers! Golly! That's all for now, and thanks to everyone who has checked out HorrorVale: Act 1 on Steam and also those who have left us reviews! It really means a lot! Thank you!