-Town Notice- Wishlist Rally!


HorrorVale: A spooky, quirky RPG adventure. NOTE: This game is still in active development. The currently available build is just Act 1.

We're pushing for 5,000 Wishlists on Steam before HorrorVale launches! With every wishlist threshold reached, we'll commit to making or putting together whatever the goal is! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images/35391521/745a08bc9c1de57ae0e8e8cef4c1d6b1cc671a45.png[/img] NOTE: If you already have HorrorVale in your library from when Act 1 was free and want to wishlist or just support the game, you can remove it from your library to do so. Just keep in mind that by doing so you'll have to buy the game to replay Act 1 or play the Full Game when it launches! Also, if you didn't catch the Announcement previously about WHY the game is pay to play now, go give that a look here: https://steamcommunity.com/games/1114650/announcements/detail/3713838445859060565