
Juicy Realm

Juicy Realm is a roguelike game in which players must square off against bizarre fruits all across the world. The line between the animal and the plant world has become blurred, and the food chain has been completely disrupted.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31068769/4b1f32577976abff984536b09dbacebdf6f096d5.jpg[/img] Hey Juicy lovers, The art designer of Juicy Realm, biboX made some wallpapers (totally 3 series) as our gifts for all players who always support and love us. Take them here and to decorate your computers and mobile phones: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/l5c2s8mgslqh1it/AAAC0J8tM9ZsnTEvrfACjQlTa?dl=0 On behalf of SpaceCan Games