Update News 11th May 2018

Juicy Realm

Juicy Realm is a roguelike game in which players must square off against bizarre fruits all across the world. The line between the animal and the plant world has become blurred, and the food chain has been completely disrupted.

Update News 11th May 2018 Hey everyone, Update list for the latest patch: 1. Fixed the enemy sign is not hidden when player has cleared the area; 2. Fixed the unlimited ammo bug; 3. No more enemy when player crushes the small box; 4. Increased damage of melee weapons; 5. Reduced damage of traps; 6. Fixed screen resolution occasionally reset bug; 7. Fixed the boss of stage 1, watermelon, would get stuck at the edge of the map; 8. Added killing enemy randomly drops a small amount of ammo Thank you, SpaceCan Games [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31068769/4b1f32577976abff984536b09dbacebdf6f096d5.jpg[/img]