VSXu Player 0.9.1 Released

VZX Player

Actively developed 3D Music Visualizer - reacts in real time to the music you play, regardless of player. Free, no watermarks, no nag screens, no subscriptions. Optional DLC for more effects.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36137962/b55b28843a874d470751acd462924ca8a4a04eb4.png[/img] [i]New Luna Design, get the desktop wallpaper in our discord![/i] [h2]Getting Support[/h2] [h3]Important! If you experience bugs/problems:[/h3] With every new release there are going to be some hiccups. We have tried our best to test thoroughly and have had an extensive public beta, but there is always something. We would like to try to help you fix any issues. Please contact us at support@vovoid.com or via our discord server. In 95% of cases bugs affect others too so investigating is worth it. Using the review system to write a negative review is not very good for you since it makes it difficult for us to get back to you - many people ignore Steam notifications. [h3]What you can do right now about problems[/h3] [list] [*]The previous release is available as "previous_version" in "betas" in the Steam settings for VSXu so you can still run "what worked before" until we have helped you fix the problems in the new release. [/list] Now on to the new stuff... [h2]VSXu Player 0.9.1 Release Notes[/h2] [h3]The New Audio Engine[/h3] Main point is stability and fixing crashes and audio errors people were having when using the WASAPI backend. Here's the complete list: [list] [*]Entirely new audio backend which solves "no sound" driver issues which manifested as multiple crashes right when starting VSXu Player when one has certain peripherals connected. [*]Seems to fix the “Unknown HRESULT” issue when recording audio which happened to quite a few users. [*]API Selection now moved inside the player, no need to restart it to switch between audio APIs. [*]WASAPI: Audio reporting rate has increased from 42Hz to 100Hz which makes a big difference on monitors that can do more than 60 Hz [*]WASAPI backend used to downsample/resample the audio which caused issues with the frequency response. DirectSound and ASIO might still use this resampling, which will possibly be addressed in a future update. [*]The new audio backend is implemented as 3 EXE files - one per API type. They communicate back to the player over UDP packets via localhost. This shouldn’t need any port openings in the Windows Firewall but you will see the open ports in some port monitoring software. [/list] [h3]Design Improvements[/h3] [list] [*]Luna has been redesigned [/list] [h3]Font rendering engine[/h3] [list] [*]While it should not be visible, the font rendering system is totally new. This improves performance quite a bit and does not rely on old OpenGL API calls. [/list] [h3]Performance improvements[/h3] [list] [*]GUI drawer was rendered even though not visible [/list] [h2]Improvements to Visualizations[/h2] Generally, the updated visuals have been given (more) color customizations (tweaks). Full list as follows: [h3][i]Classics[/i] pack[/h3] [list] [*][b]Plane Worlds[/b]: New granular color handling. [*][b]Techno Stripes[/b]: You can now set line thickness. [*][b]Glowstick Hyperspace[/b]: Added full color tweak support. [*][b]Kaleidoscope[/b]: Judging from the community screenshots, this one is quite popular. It's gotten a larger overhaul with improved gamma correction, bloom and better color tweaks. [/list] [h3][i]Particle Bliss[/i] pack[/h3] [list] [*][b]Anemone[/b]: Now limiting particle size in the visual so it doesn't get too intense. [*][b]Exploding Star[/b]: Reduced default FX level somewhat. Less jumpy in 120 FPS. Added color support. [*][b]Exploding Star Slow[/b]: Color support [/list] [h3][i]Spectrums & Oscilloscopes[/i] pack[/h3] [list] [*][b]Space Spectrum[/b]: The particle fountain in the middle now follows the color of the round spectrum. [*][b]3D Oscilloscope[/b]: Default FX level reduced a bit. Feedback color can now be changed. [*][b]Polar Oscilloscope Wave[/b]: More color tweaking supported. [/list] [h3][i]Networks[/i] pack[/h3] [list] [*][b]Cyber Dive[/b]: Secondary color can be changed. [*][b]Spectrum Flight[/b]: Proper color selection instead of separated sliders. [*][b]Spectrum Pool[/b]: Full color selection support added. [*][b]Three Body[/b]: Full color selection support added. [*][b]Dream Pool[/b]: Full color selection support added. [/list] Hope you like the new release. Next we are going to be working on a new visual pack as well as Artiste and the Pro Player. As always, if you have questions/feeeback you are welcome to join our discord server which is redirected to from http://vovoid.info. Take care!