Vote Trailmakers for Labor of Love award!


Build the ultimate vehicle and explore a vast open world filled with challenges and adventure. Play solo or team up with friends in multiplayer to conquer the toughest obstacles. With a thrilling campaign mode and endless creative possibilities, Trailmakers is the ultimate sandbox for adventurers.

[h1]STEAM AWARDS - LABOR OF LOVE[/h1] Since the birth of Trailmakers in 2019 we have nurtured our baby to the best of our abilities. Releasing a stream of consistent updates all culminating in our biggest and most ambitious update (to date): [b]1.7 Spacebound[/b] which gave the users access to a gigantic Space map with enemies, new weapons, planets to explore, zero gravity, and much more - all for free. We are already humbled by how many people play our game and it would mean the world if the same loyal player-base would consider nominating us in the [b]Steam Award's Labor of Love[/b] category. But award or not, we will continue our hard work on Trailmakers to make sure it's a game that will be played for years to come - and with the biggest updates still ahead of us. Thank you!