Age of Fear 4: The Iron Killer

Play as Angela, a fearless young Vampire Hunter on the trail of a brutal murderer. Along with the mysterious Nazell, embark on an epic quest into the heart of the criminal underworld. Age of Fear is a complex turn-based strategy series (full of jokes) that fuses a tabletop wargame with RPG elements.

Over the last few months, we have finalized the story and battles for the Ratmen campaign. There is still a lot of polishing to be done; however, the campaign is now playable from start to end. We have also introduced new mechanics, such as end-of-turn auto-invisibility for Ratmen, added a brand-new hero (Zarah, the dancer), and fine-tuned the AI to better utilize stealth. We are also in the process of ordering a voiceover and conducting auditions. We have selected a few options that align with the theme of the game. [u]I kindly ask for your feedback on which one is the most suitable.[/u] The auditions are provided below in a zip file (10MB): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/td6sc1mphahjjahzzbtwk/voiceover-auditions.zip?rlkey=mrhblcy9jvt5gp6oig2uzrwr0&dl=1 Please comment on your favorite option and suggest any improvements. I'll share your feedback with the voice actors so they can align with notes. Take care, Les & AOF Team