Play as Angela, a fearless young Vampire Hunter on the trail of a brutal murderer. Along with the mysterious Nazell, embark on an epic quest into the heart of the criminal underworld. Age of Fear is a complex turn-based strategy series (full of jokes) that fuses a tabletop wargame with RPG elements.
Hi all, it is with immense pleasure that we announce the completion of the Ratmen faction, which will be introduced to the Age of Fear series on [b]April 12th[/b]!
Hidden beneath Sorodon, the Ratmen are a clever faction that excels in stealth. In the dark corners of their territory, these elusive creatures have perfected the art of staying unseen and unheard. Though their units may seem weaker than those of similar factions, the Ratmen make up for it with their unmatched skills in backstabbing and surprising attacks.
Living in an underground world full of tunnels, the Ratmen can move quietly and strategically. Their expertise in covert tactics and surprise makes them a strong force, capable of turning the tide of battle unexpectedly. Emerging from the depths of Sorodon, the Ratmen create uncertainty and fear, establishing themselves as a unique and unpredictable presence in warfare.
With just a few weeks to go, be ready!
Take care, Les