Virtuoso 1.0.1 out now!


Grab an instrument and get ready to jam in Virtuoso, your own virtual music stage! This VR musical sandbox lets anyone play and perform music in new, immersive ways. Explore a range of unique instruments made for VR and share your tracks with the world!

Virtuoso has been out for a month, and we’re ready to deliver the first update! It’s a mixed bag of new features, improvements, graphics and fixes. Enjoy! [b]What is new:[/b] [list][*][b]Instrument frames for wHarp, Clustr, Wavemin and the Oorgan![/b] Most instruments now have a cool visual frame that reacts when you play. For purists, it can be toggled off. [*][b]Fixed issues with drums being triggered when they shouldn't.[/b] [*][b]Reverb and compression drums effects![/b] Empads now have settings for Reverb and Compression, allowing you to lay down some really epic beats. [*][b]Ability to position spectator camera.[/b] Shroom Cam! Lord Capington III, “Cap” for short, is working the spectator camera. [*][b]Microphone can now be toggled to always be on[/b], allowing you to record meatspace things that require both hands. [*][b]Microphone reverb monitoring can now also be turned off[/b], for those who get distracted by hearing their own echo. [*][b]UI elements and instruments can now be locked in place[/b] at the click of a button, so you don’t accidentally move them around. [*]You can now[b] enable “link hands” on the arpeggiator[/b] to make both hands add notes to the same arpeggio. [*][b]Faster previews in song library[/b], so you don’t have to wait while browsing for your new favorite song. [*]… plus a bunch of smaller improvements and [b]bug fixes[/b], and likely some brand new bugs![/list] [i]Please report any new bugs and issues on [url=]our Discord[/url], or on our [url=]issue tracker[/url]![/i] [img][/img]