New Instrument, Remote Control API & More!


Grab an instrument and get ready to jam in Virtuoso, your own virtual music stage! This VR musical sandbox lets anyone play and perform music in new, immersive ways. Explore a range of unique instruments made for VR and share your tracks with the world!

Time for a new update, and this is an exciting one! [previewyoutube=EP4KopDIo5A;full][/previewyoutube] [b]A Brand New Instrument[/b] Say hello to the Rimba! Beat out a melody and create note sequences that play on top. Our first melodic mallet based instrument allows you to play more dynamically and rhythmically, and create experimental patterns that scale relative to the note you play on. Plus hexagons really are the bestagons, aren't they? [b]Virtuoso Remote Control API[/b] If you ever dreamt of controlling your external music program from Virtuoso, you might be familiar with the MIDI Companion App. We're happy to announce that it has finally been updated and made open source! Plus, the secrets of Virtuoso's network communication are now documented and laid bare, meaning anyone can create new apps that use Virtuoso to trigger external sounds and synthesizers. We hope this is a big step towards making Virtuoso a better tool for experienced musicians and musical tinkerers! See the Virtuoso website ( for more information on how to start using and developing for Remote Control! [b]Bug Fixes[/b] We've found and squashed some seriously nasty bugs, including one that prevented you from playing Virtuoso while offline, and another that froze song uploads to cloud if you had stopped all of your Looper tracks. 99 bugs down, probably 100 new to go. Happy jamming, please report any new bugs and issues on our Discord -