Video Blog: The TEC Spotlight

Sins of a Solar Empire II

Battle for galactic dominance in this real-time 4X strategy game with unrivaled scale! You’ll explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate through military force, diplomacy, trade, culture, influence, and other underhanded tactics.

In the vast expanse of space, where alliances are fragile and enemies lurk at every corner, the Trader Emergency Coalition (TEC) stands as a beacon of industrial might and resilience. As the TEC battles on two fronts, their story unfolds in the much-anticipated sequel, Sins of a Solar Empire II. Buckle up, gamers, as we dive into the lore, mechanics, and combat capabilities of the TEC, a faction that refuses to be extinguished. [previewyoutube=g8mBx6udZuA;full][/previewyoutube] [h2]Lore: The Genesis of the TEC[/h2] The origins of the TEC trace back fifteen hundred years to the Trade Order, a powerful entity born from financially driven settlers. Built on stringent economic principles, the Trade Order thrived as an industrial and commercial powerhouse. However, an expedition to a desert world unveiled a civilization practicing forbidden sciences, leading to the exile of these deviants, later known as the Advent, to the far reaches of space. For centuries, peace reigned until the sudden invasion by the Vasari Empire, an ancient and ruthless alien race. This existential threat prompted the formation of the TEC, uniting to defend against the Vasari onslaught. Ten years later, the exiled Advent returned, opening a new front in the ongoing war. Despite their industrial strength, the TEC found themselves struggling to repel both the Vasari and Advent. After five years of intense fighting, a stalemate led to the construction of massive Starbases for defense. Internal divisions emerged within the TEC: the isolationist TEC Enclave and the vengeful TEC Primacy. The TEC Enclave sought to fortify defenses and wait out the conflict, while the TEC Primacy aimed for ruthless retaliation. United by their industrial might and driven by past betrayals, the TEC remains a formidable force in the galaxy. [h2]Special Mechanics: The Economic Backbone[/h2] At the heart of the TEC's strength lies their robust and flexible economy. Each planet type or asteroid in the game offers a unique spread of resources—Goods (sold for Credits), Metal, and Crystal. These resources can be exploited by building the TEC’s unique Trade Port orbital structures. For instance, Ice and Crystalline planets yield more Crystal, while Volcanic and Ferrous planets produce more Metal. Each Trade Port built in orbit around a planet increases that colony’s Trade Capacity, boosting the maximum number of trade resources available and generating Export Points. These points can be allocated to Goods, Metal, or Crystal, granting a bonus to that resource’s income rate. The flexibility to reassign Export Points allows the TEC to adapt to the ever-changing demands of the battlefield. The TEC's economic prowess means they can extract more resources from a smaller territory compared to their alien rivals. This economic resilience allows them to cushion the loss of critical resource-generating colonies by shifting their trade focus to cover new deficits. Trade Ships, once Trade Ports are operational, begin to transport goods between colonies. These automated ships can be upgraded to share sensor data, providing valuable intel on rival movements. Destroying Trade Ships yields a credit bonus to the aggressor, and research is available to provide Trade Ships with their own armed escorts. [h2]The TEC Enclave: Masters of Defense[/h2] Under the combined pressure of the Vasari and Advent, the TEC fragmented into two distinct factions. The isolationist TEC Enclave focuses on formidable defensive capabilities. They can construct two Argonev Starbases around a single colony, making them a nightmare to dislodge from well-fortified chokepoints. The Enclave’s Garrison Fleet, built through the Garrison Recruitment Center, provides a semi-automated defensive fleet that can defend home systems or assist in invasions. The War Measures Act, a powerful ability near the end of the tech-tree, grants a scaling bonus to credit income based on fleet size. This enables the Enclave to recover from devastating losses, relying on their extensive fortifications to hold the line while factories work overtime to produce fresh replacements. [h2]The TEC Primacy: Vengeance Unleashed[/h2] In contrast, the vengeful TEC Primacy turns their rage outward, allying with pirates and inciting revolution. With the right research, Pirates can be persuaded to share intel and refrain from attacking the TEC. The Primacy can even recruit pirate vessels and construct a Pirate Mercenary Base to hire more dangerous villains. The Primacy’s culture-spreading abilities can trigger Insurgency, causing Trader citizens to rise up and attack enemy colonies where TEC culture is dominant. The Novalith Cannon, a terrifying doomsday weapon, targets enemy worlds, unleashing devastating rounds. In Sins of a Solar Empire II, the Novalith Cannon’s shockwave suppresses fire from defensive structures, making it a giant artillery gun that softens enemy defenses before an invasion. [h2]The TEC’s Combat Capabilities[/h2] The TEC’s combat doctrine emphasizes heavily armed and armored capital ships supported by versatile cruisers, frigates, and corvettes. While shielding is secondary, their well-fabricated armor and high-velocity projectile weapons, such as autocannons and gauss cannons, make them a formidable force. They have also retro-engineered high-tech beam weapons from captured Advent ships, fielding their own designs in limited numbers. The TEC’s ships are generally self-contained, with overwhelming firepower and the ability to withstand damage. The Sova Carrier, for instance, can construct Prova Scouts and Shrikken Gunship Corvettes anywhere in the field, providing flexibility when operating behind enemy lines. The Ogrov Torpedo Cruiser excels in bringing down fortifications with its massive Heavy Torpedo launcher. The TEC’s deadly Gauss Cannon technology is now available to smaller frigates, with the Kalev Gauss Frigate designed to counter heavily armored targets. The Javelis, armed with Medium Missiles, offers higher damage per second, making it essential to bring the right tool for the right job in Sins of a Solar Empire II. The Trader Emergency Coalition is a faction that embodies resilience and industrial might. Their ability to adapt economically and their formidable defensive and offensive capabilities make them a force to be reckoned with. As they bring the war back to their enemies, the TEC proves that they are hard to kill, both in tactical combat and on an industrial level. In Sins of a Solar Empire II, the TEC stands unyielding, ready to reclaim their place in the galaxy.