Version update V1.0.0.3

元卡牌2 - MetaCard2

Hello everyone, this is my second game "Meta Card 2". Based on the rich card entries of the first generation, it innovatively incorporates the concept of projectiles. Through the strategic combination of cards and projectile targeting, the control of movement is replaced.

[olist] [*] [Optimization adjustment] The second map (wilderness) adds day and night changes; [*] [Optimization adjustment] Dragon Roar Slash adds sound effects; [*] [BUG repair] Repair the bug that the unlocking conditions of the last artifact of the Void Walker are not uniform; [*] [BUG repair] Repair the bug that the achievement triggers incorrectly; [*] [BUG repair] Repair the bug that the endless mode affects the difficulty limit; [*] [BUG repair] Repair the bug that the Void Walker can still move after death; [*] [BUG repair] Repair the bug that the BGM will play when the information bar is closed on the store page [/olist]