Version 2 - more pieces, more options

Jigsaw 360

Relax while completing beautifully detailed spherical jigsaws. The new way to experience a traditional puzzle. Suitable for all ages with between 18 and 200 pieces. Add custom scenes - thousands freely available online.

I'm pleased to release a new version of Jigsaw 360 with plenty of improvements. There are lots of little changes and optimisations that you won't notice (like anti-aliasing on jigsaw pieces), but I have also included features that have been requested by players, so thanks for the feedback. [h1]New features[/h1] [list] [*] New 162 piece jigsaw level. [*] Ability to hide jigsaw piece outlines to increase difficulty (see settings). [*] Ability to organise pieces in the jigsaw tray (see options in tray toolbar). [*] Ability to move and resize the tray to different positions for your comfort. [*] Earn two in-game badges. [*] MipMapping added to custom photos to increase quality. [*]Jigsaw piece outlines are now hidden on completed parts of the jigsaw. [/list] [h1]Other new options in settings[/h1] [list] [*] Change the outline colour of jigsaw pieces. [*] Show the background while rotating the jigsaw. [*] Slowly rotate on completion so you can chill out and appreciate the view. [*] Simplified Chinese text. [/list] Please let me know if you find any issues. Thanks for playing and I hope you enjoy the new version <3