The Big Update

Jigsaw 360

Relax while completing beautifully detailed spherical jigsaws. The new way to experience a traditional puzzle. Suitable for all ages with between 18 and 200 pieces. Add custom scenes - thousands freely available online.

[b]More stuff[/b] [list] [*] Up to 200 piece complexity jigsaws. [*] 5 new images in the standard game. [*] New website link to download more images and link to other download sources (more images coming soon). [/list] [b]Custom photos[/b] [list] [*] Better quality (mipmapping) and auto resizing on imported photos. [*] Browse your PC drives within the game to link to your photos. [*] Normal photos supported for flat jigsaws - best using a 2:1 size ratio (height:width) [*] Now supports .png and .jpg files. [*] Custom photos now count towards the in-game badges and they are ticked in the menus when completed at the different difficulty levels. [/list] [b]Usability[/b] [list] [*] You can now grab and move the tray anywhere. [*] The tray is larger to allow pieces to be grouped and arranged more easily. [*] You can point and grab pieces or the puzzle from far away (remote grab). [/list] [b]Accessibility[/b] [list] [*] See the new menu option for accessibility and comfort. [*] Play reclined or laying down. [*] Play using a laser pointer rather than reaching out and use thumbsticks to rotate pieces. This requires much less movement. [*] Sticky keys allows you to click once to grab and again to release so you don't have to hold a button while moving pieces. [/list] There have also been performance improvements and general fixes and improvements. Thanks for playing and I hope you enjoy the new release. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33910166/5e602ad8932353796578f00b72ad40b973f9aaa2.png[/img]