Version 2.4


A blend of old school gameplay and new school controls. Experience a classically styled roguelike in a way you never have before!

[h3]NEW IN THIS UPDATE[/h3] [list] [*] Centaurs can now shoot arrows [*] Monsters can be damaged by centaur arrows if they get in between you and the centaur [*] The combat log is now much faster and is capable of more things [*] A bonfire may spawn in large dark rooms [*] Slash animation for ASCII monster graphics mode [*] 1 new dungeon track and battle variant [*] 2 new secret achievements [/list] [h3] CHANGED IN THIS UPDATE:[/h3] [list] [*] Changed kestrel back to kestral [*] Tweaked the appearance of wall-torch sparks [*] Made the xeroid do slightly less damage [/list] [h3]FIXED IN THIS UPDATE:[/h3] [list] [*] Rings of protection made it easier to be hit instead of harder, this also means that cursed rings actually helped you [*] Centaur monster bits weren't properly adjusting the players crit rate [*] A possible crash involving the dragon and the functions it calls each time it takes a step [/list] [h3]UNDER THE HOOD:[/h3] [list] [*] Sped up floor generation time by optimizing the flood-fill algorithm [*] Optimized the wall collision shapes -adds a little bit of time to floor generation but should allow for higher fps on low end hardware [/list] [h3]REMOVED TEMPORARILY IN THIS UPDATE:[/h3] [list] [*] The monsters and items showing up on the title screen -I didn't realize how big of a lag spike they were causing when they are being loaded in [/list] [h3]KNOWN ISSUES:[/h3] [list] [*] When two light sources are next to each other the tiles they are lighting up will flicker [/list] Version 2.4 is here! I've wanted to have enemies fire projectiles for a while now but knew it would require rewriting how projectiles and enemy combat rolls work. But that's all done now which means were a little bit closer to having enemies that fight each other which is another feature I've been wanting to add. You can already sort of have that happen now though if you manage to put another monster between you and a centaur. Centaurs only carry a few arrows though and some don't have any so you don't have to worry about centaurs mag dumping you from out the darkness. The bonfires are mostly a bonus. Later on they will serve a dungeon design purpose of letting the player see areas of dark rooms that are far away but I had them working now so I figured they should go in since I think they're pretty comfy. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43785806/e6082f3fd86b150d5268d5c7a0d753fc96a678bb.gif[/img] As always please let me know if you come across any bugs or crashes! And if you're enjoying the game to write a short review since that really helps! Thanks!