Version 1.5 + Linux Release

Skew Pong

Skew Pong is a unique fast-paced take on a classic. Make use of inertia and gravity to win. Push the area around and bend the floor to influence the ball's trajectory. Battle against your friends or AIs and see if you can skew with it.

[i]Skew Pong is now 1 year old ! To celebrate this, the game is being released on Linux as well as receiving a small update bringing a few improvements.[/i] The game is also going on sale at -40% for a week. [h2]List of Changes[/h2] [h3]Linux Version[/h3] [list] [*] [b]The game is now available on Linux ![/b] [/list] [h3]Gameplay[/h3] [list] [*] A “Match Point” text now appears on the terrain when a player is only one point short of winning. [*] Winner is now shown on the ground on the end screen. [/list] [h3]Miscellaneous[/h3] [list] [*] Player Input Prompts shown on Terrain are now localized. [i]i.e. If you are using a AZERTY keyboard, it will now properly display Z/Q and S/D instead of W/A and S/D.[/i] [*] Player Input Prompts now remain for a few seconds after clicking on Start Match. [*] Score is now frozen while on match end screen. [*] Made it explicit that Game Modes were locked in the Web Demo.[*] Slight adjustment to the points cubes on the circle’s default color. [/list]