Version 1.2 Big Update is Live!

Dog And Goblin

Dog and Goblin is an auto-battler Roguelike deck-building strategy game where you assemble a mixed army to stand against humans. With nearly 150 units across 19 different types, build your ultimate army and conquer their castles!

[b]Enemy Skill System:[/b] 20+ enemies have their unique skills! You'd better destroy the fort ASAP, or the king would exile your deck! [b]Character Pick:[/b] Player can now choose a character from these 5: Cleric, Commander, Recruiter, Sourcerer, Black Magician. They have different play styles and try to make synergy with your cards. [b]Improvements[/b] [list] [*] The whole stats system is reworked and balanced. Hopefully you will find the game not too hard or too ez. But still, feel free to come to Discord and tell us the cards you like or not! [list] [*] Weak build like poison are buffed (poison damage now ignores armor). [*] Legendary cards are less important, they still need a good deck to release the full power [*] Try it out in the game! [/list][*] Coin UI Remake. [*] Some VFX and SFX added. [*] Attack Animation timescale reworked so low damage cards attacks faster and high damage cards slower. [*] Heartlosing Mechanism reworked: you lose heart only when you have exceeded enemies at the start of a turn. [/list] [b]Bug fixed[/b] [list] [*] Tutorial display bug fixed. [*] Sometimes players cant return to main menu. [/list]