Version 1.2.9501 (Minor Update)

v1.2.9501 [list] [*] Fixed bug when taunting/redirecting the Biker Boss [*] Restores the ability to Taunt/Redirect the ambassador [*] Bounty text no longer appears as failed [*] Fixed bartender distraction damage modifier not applying [*] Fixed bartender distraction damage modifier clearing next turn modifier from Palm Strike [*] Fixed entities not being considered to have arrived if the game saved before they could complete their arrival, so remaining invisible [*] Fixed some inconsistencies around Ninja Boss' return damage [*] Added status that clears damage modifiers when it expires [*] Added status to Bank Combo to fix upgrade behaviour [*] Fixed a couple of card text issues [*] Card icon values are determined correctly based on the card type [*] More thorough fix for entity arrivals being skipped on game load [/list]