[h2]Hello Squires! [/h2]
We’ve added a brand new mode to The Plucky Squire in today’s update. In [i][b]Streamlined Mode[/b][/i], you’ll play through Jot’s adventures at a quicker tempo! We’ve been looking at the feedback about the game, and one of the points that came up was that the pacing was a little too slow for some players. Enter: Streamlined Mode!
[h2]Streamlined Mode[/h2]
Streamlined mode is intended for more experienced players who want less guidance and more action. For example! A door unlocks - do you really need the game to stop and the camera to pan over and look at it opening? Maybe not! In Streamlined Mode, it doesn’t! This is one of the many examples of reduced guidance.
We’ve cut some fat from the dialogue in Streamlined Mode - a line here, a line there... It’s not like we’ve hacked away entire scenes, just trimmed bits for a more…streamlined…experience.
We’ve also added speech bubble portraits to keep track of who’s speaking while you’re speeding through.
Finally, we've included some quality of life improvements and changes. We've increased the number of historical autosaves that are kept and we've added a function to restart the current chapter. If you do get stuck somewhere, both of these should help. Autosaves have been moved to a place in the menu that's easier to find and we've added a way to change the language in-game.
[h2]The Game Awards Nomination and Sale[/h2]
We are deeply honoured to be nominated at The Game Awards for Best Family Game and Best Debut Indie. To thank you and everyone who has supported us, we have put the game on sale for 25% off! Just in time for the Holiday Season!
The Plucky Squire was inspired by the picture books we loved reading to our children. Our dream was always to create something that families could enjoy together. Whoever makes up your family, we hope The Plucky Squire can bring you and your loved ones some joy!
[h2]Patch Notes[/h2]
Shiny and New - Streamline Mode:
[*] Shorter, snappier dialogue that lets you enjoy the story but gets you to the action quicker
[*] Fewer camera events that slow down player action
[*] Added dialogue portraits for major characters
[*] Added an in-game language change option
[*] Added More Save History slots and moved them to "Load Save" in the "Save Files" menu
Bug fixes
[*] Fixed soft lock in credits
[*] Fixed bottom half of Alowynia card being blacked out
[*] Various fixes to collision issues