A pixel-art turn-based Galaxy total war game. You can select 14 factions, 61 heroes, hundreds of warships and mecha, and command multiple fleets to carry out grand strategic operations on the map of the galaxy.
New content:
1. A new Space lane system is available. The planets are connected by lanes now. Our fleet can move by twice range on the lanes between our planets and the friendly planets.
2. New commander's random skills added: Tactical Genius, Telepathy, Invisible, Inkognito. The commanders with higher Military are more likely to have random skills of military-type on Promotion, and commanders with higher Administer are more likely to have random skills of admin-type on Promotion.
3. The Transfer ability of troops has been remade. Now a transfer unit can reach the destination directly without encountering ambush on the road and can cross the asteroid belt area. If the transfer unit is ambushed by a submarine at the destination, it will jump back to the starting point after the fight.
Gameplay improvement:
1. The Mozi order's policy Precise Fortgun was replaced by Fort Armour, Fortgun Range was replaced by Fort En-recycle. the effects of those policies were also adjusted. The faction difficulty of the Mozi order was changed to normal.
2. The fleet composition of AI has been adjusted. Now most AI fleets will not have two support units.
3. When the game window loses focus, the game sound will no longer be played.
4. Fixed some damage calculation ways for auto battles.
5. Increased more Agility when unit level up. High-level mecha units become easier to dodge enemy fire now.
6. Red Samurai's movement increased by 1.
7. When attacked by the second attack of Double Shooting or Double Chopping, the attacked unit can only do dodge now.
Fix bugs:
1. Fixed a bug that units did not gain experience in auto-battle.
2. Fixed a bug about occasionally miss on the 100% hit rate.
3. Fixed bugs about game stuck in several diplomacy and events.
4. Fixed some bugs when selecting fleets in the strategy scene.
5. Fixed a bug about the tactics skill Dimension Disorder.
6. Fixed a bug in the combat animation of the Red Samurai.
If you find any bug after the update, please report it on the Steamcommunity or Discord. Thank you!