Version 1.1.4 Release Notes

Hi everyone, it's here! This update includes all the localization improvements which are also available for other platform versions of the game, and we took this opportunity to improve the encoding quality of all English and Japanese voice files on PC. [list] [*][b]Update English text, images and all other assets with various localization fixes and improvements[/b]. [*]Re-balance English voice lines. [*]Improve encoding quality of all Japanese and English voice lines. [*]Improve support for Steam Dynamic Cloud Sync. [*]Various other minor fixes. [/list] Note that, primarily due to the increase in audio quality, this update increases the storage requirements of the game by roughly 2 GB. While we expect this patch to improve the situations for all users, with the great variety of hardware and software configurations available on PC this is not always guaranteed in all circumstances. As such, you can return to previous versions of the game by selecting the any of the public "version_*" branches on Steam. Cheers, Peter "Durante" Thoman