Hi everyone,
this update fixes a rare condition which could lead to black screens on scene changes, as well as several other smaller issues.
Here are the full patch notes:
[*][b]Fix a deadlock[/b] which could occur on some systems in rare circumstances, leading to the game becoming [b]stuck on a black screen during loading[/b] / scene transitions.
Sorry to those that were affected that it took until now to resolve this -- we were unable to reproduce it on any of our internal or external test systems until now.
[*][b]Fix a softlock[/b] issue in a small subset of battles, where very high frametime spikes (i.e. when performing an elaborate craft or art on a slower system) could lead to [b]characters falling through the floor[/b].
[*]Improve vertical culling of objects on an interior map.
[*]Fix the alignment of the battle turn counter in ultrawide aspect ratios.
[*]Fix a specific late-game button prompt.
[*]Fix the "Millennial Trove" shop name in its header.
[*]Replace some mentions of "trophies" with "achievements"
Since one of the first questions in the comments in patch notes for Reverie is frequently concerning fixes to various text issues which are not PC-specific, I'd like to note here that these are being worked on for all versions of the game. We will of course integrate these fixes as soon as they are available.
And of course, in the unexpected case that this patch breaks anything on your particular PC, note that you can always revert to earlier versions of the game by selecting them in the Steam "Beta" menu.
Peter "Durante" Thoman